To be perfectly honest, yeah, I kinda felt that two pairs of WEL interconnects in my system was a bit too much, contributing to a slight overall analytical feeling.
I ended up combining Wild Blue Yonder RCA (warmer) with WEL XLR in my main system to get a nice neutral/natural tone along with the superb resolution and speed of the WEL. Great combination. I moved the WEL RCA to the headphone setup, where it now does a fantastic job. Which now that I think of it, that headphone system uses a Wild LP phono cable, so it's mixed Wild/WEL too (main rig uses a WEL LP phono cable).
Of Wind/Sky/Fire/Wild/WEL the WEL are the most resolving, but I can see how they’d also require to most care towards system matching. The others can drop in pretty readily to most systems.