@corepowertech I’m frankly disappointed in your conduct here. You ought not lead folks into believing a follow-on company shall arise with offering new and seemingly advanced products of designs for which you would have no apparent ongoing interest, given the history of this thread. It’s suspect enough that any company will arise to cover the outstanding orders already placed. To add the hopeful prospect of yet new products seems a stretch of credibility. More importantly, it’s not for you to comment about it. Leave it to the new company to do it, whenever that might occur.
And these veiled legal threats of going after folks who challenge your business practices are beyond comment. The “very best money” you could spend is simply repaying those to whom you owe money.
Folks who are owed refunds or products should consult the Colorado Stste Office of Consumer Affairs to ascertain their full rights. Statutes of limitations are likely in play.
And these veiled legal threats of going after folks who challenge your business practices are beyond comment. The “very best money” you could spend is simply repaying those to whom you owe money.
Folks who are owed refunds or products should consult the Colorado Stste Office of Consumer Affairs to ascertain their full rights. Statutes of limitations are likely in play.