Ps Audio BHK preamp Vs ARC best preamps

Hello to everyone in this forum, I'm Mario from Venice, Italy and I'm a new member even if I read your posts since a lot of time.

First of all sorry for my written english, I will try to do my best.

I would like to know if anyone has been able to compare the BHK preamp with the best of ARC production and in my opinion this means with LS 22, LS 25 (both the versions...), Ref 3, Ref 5SE and so on.

Thank you for sharing  your impressions.

It sounds like some of you have gone the route of the BHK 250, added the preamp, then upgraded the mono's.

Has anyone compared the 250 with Preamp, vs  just the mono's without the preamp?

My budget just supports either or, I just can't make it to the mono with preamp. I already have a DirectStream DAC and don't do vinyl
I'll add my vote to at least trying the DSD direct into your power amps regardless of your amp choices.  I'm still getting over the fact that for me, the DSD sounds better run directly into my Pass amps rather than through my existing preamp (which is an Aesthetix Janus).
What happened with the OP here? It seems like @mariovidal65 ordered the BHK Preamp then disappeared 
((( I'm still getting over the fact that for me, the DSD sounds better to run directly into my Pass amps rather than through my existing preamp )))

 Running a tube preamp into a low impedance load and this is what happens.
 Try an Aesthetix Atlas power amp or Atlas monoblocks with your Janus
 Pre amp and you will be scratching your head in the other direction.
 Best JohnnyR