Rooms without treatment are for listeners not serious about their music reproduction. Rooms sound HORRIBLE with zero treatment. (no comments about my room has no treatment and sounds great, it just means you think horrible sonics sound great)This is probably one of the most ridiculous statements I have read on here. Not that room treatments are a bad thing, but that can also be a rabbit hole waiting to happen. I have been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt with room treatments, and like anything else, if you plan carefully you can achieve very good results.
Now the idea of using a super amp is a sound one, but careful planning dictates that you need to get the amp/speaker match right. Not difficult really, some research and auditioning should get you there. Those who mentioned the use of an active crossover are providing sound advice when it comes to bi-amping. It is also the approach I took.
Roger Modjeski at Music Reference recommended the bi-amp approach to me with my Quad ESL 57 speakers. He actually sourced the 8" drivers for me and I built my own woofer boxes. I use a Luxman M-02 for the low end and a set of direct drive amps or OTLs for the top end. The active crossover is a Beveridge RM-3 that has low and high attenuators so you can adjust the gain accordingly. The low and high pass boards in the crossover are 100 Hz 4th order Linwitz-Riley. I have 4 small footprint woofers placed in an asymmetrical array around the room. Two can work as well. The array helps eliminate the room nodes. You can read more on the concept here:
Also, please read the post by Roger Modjeski (ramtubes) on 9/2/2018 at 12:40pm in this thread:
Roger is one of the best designers in the business and his experience in bi-amping has helped me achieve the best sound I have ever had in my system. Oh and BTW, once I set up my distributed woofer array I was able to ditch all my room treatments. As good as my room measured with treatments before the change, they measured better without them.