Milk Carton Kids

A few years back I went to DC for a concert in honor of Emmylou Harris (Its on DVD now) and one of the performers (only one I was unfamiliar with) was The Milk Carton Kids.  I was very impressed, just the two of them, their guitars and voices, and their chatter between songs.  Well I have a few of their records, but the newest one (All the things that I did and all the things that I didn't do) is something else.  Produced by Joe Henry, great songs and musicianship, wonderful sounds, different than their previous style, but worth a listen, in my opinion.

I have Ash & Clay on vinyl. Certainly hear the similarities to S & G, as bdp24 mentioned. I just bumped in to it the other night, and plan to put it back in to rotation soon. I recall being satisfied with the first spin, although it was years ago. David Cope turned me on to this at one of the shows, when he was with Audio Note. 
Yeah, and sing a little harmony if called upon. I learned how to sing one part in a 3-part fugue when working with a classically-trained songwriter. Hardest thing I ever had to learn, and gave me even more appreciation for Brian Wilson's genius.