3 best 10k speakers now imho

If I was about to pull the plug to replace my present Verity Audio Rienzi, I would consider those 3 contenders as my first choices.

1_ Revel F228BE
2_ Magico A3
3_ Spendor D9

I strongly believe those 3 pack the hardest punch right now at 10k.

Revel F228BE offers 2 x 8 inches bass woofers and a beryllium tweeter, this is a lot at that price level if you consider you have to go up to the Sopra 3 at Focal to get the same. Also ceramic composite drivers like Raidho, very light and stiff cone material.

Magico A3 has been compared favorably to Kanta 2 and Sopra 2 by online reviewers, Plus you get an all aluminum casing. Back ordered at dealers everywere, they seems to attract a lot of buyers.

Spendor D9, those are really special speakers imho, they are the « sleeper car « pair between the 3... often forgotten. Very quick and snappy, pratty drivers. EP77 cone material makes for a very natural midrange, a bit like Harbeth but without the thin wall resonating casing. Very nice soft dome tweeter also that has proven to be a musical, reliable winner for Spendor all these years. ( made from SEAS I believe)

What you guys think?
Those 3 speakers mentioned are very respectable but internally lessthen top quality Xover parts . They too have a budget 50% for the dealer maybe $3k in parts ,but in some ways there are several monitors with a good subwoofer that image better with lower 
Bass frequencies.  Everythingatthst price point has a lot of trade offs .$20k and up now is where premium parts inside and out can be used .higher costs allow this .I have not only been in Audio over 35 years but 
have owned a Hifi store and have learned a ton about modding 
electronics ,as well as speakers .just upgrading the wiring 
and Xover  for $1kto $1500 can take your $5k speaker in many circumstances well past the $10k mark. The majority of speakers $10k and under use at best Average Xover parts such as Solen 
or lower end of the name brand line such of MundorfMcaps 
or Evo line , Entry Clarity sa ,or many others  . TonyGee has helped me going back 15 years 
of humble homemade Hifi capacitor test fame ,one of the best .
my point is take something thst is already using quality drivers 
the Xover and wiring is over 50%of its weakness , 
i just took a $2k pr of the new Monitor Audio Studios monitors  with direct coupled sand filled stands and easilly meet any speaker 3x its cost ,and 
with their w12 sub just added $600 in partsfor the Xover and wiring .the Majority of Audio speaker designers skimp for most people donot know or care what is inside as long as it sounds 
respectable ,it is just knowing the Sonics of the parts being used 
and it is not difficult most Audiophiles know someone that is into either electronics ,or Loudspeaker mods. My point is you can save $$1,000s just on some sensible parts upgrades ,
the same applies for electronics . I have spent 20 years learning 
just on upgrades. You would be surprised even Shocked on parts qualityused even in very well respected electronics and speakers.
in my case I look inside every piece of audio I buy and always 
upgrade something . Just enjoy your music ,and everyone has a budget to what they are willing to spend. The older I get the more
i want quality as well as value. I admit I am the exception to the rule ,but just look at Modwright and premium speaker companies 
when you have say $20 k to spend parts quality is not so much an issue for less then a 3rd if the cost on average goes into the product the rest overhead and profit and 40-50% for dealer markup. 
We just took delivery on the Magico A3 and it is outstanding in our rig. Wyred 4 Sound Seperates (SX 1000, ST Preamp and DAC 2 DSD. A VPI Prime and Soundsmith Aida are the analog front end along with a Jolida JD5 phono stage. Cables are Morrow SP7 and MA4 interconnects as well as the PH 6 phono cable. Not cheap, but stupid good value to me. The only thing that would even come close in this rig would be the Wilson Sabrina (17k), Focal Sopra 2 (14k) KEF Reference 3(14k) and the Vandersteen Quatro Carbon(14.6K). There are better in a large room but cost WAY more IMHO. Our room is about 800-1000 cubic ft.
Spendor D9, those are really special speakers imho, they are the « sleeper car « pair between the 3... often forgotten. Very quick and snappy, pratty drivers. EP77 cone material makes for a very natural midrange, a bit like Harbeth but without the thin wall resonating casing. Very nice soft dome tweeter also that has proven to be a musical, reliable winner for Spendor all these years. ( made from SEAS I believe)

Yes; nice summary.
I replaced my Magico S1 mk1s with the D9s, and am very happy with the D9s.   The A3 will definitely be an interesting speaker to compare with them instead of the smaller S1. 

I could be wrong, but I thought Spendor  manufactures the LPZ tweeter.  Either way, it is a nice tweeter.  I don't find it quite as quick or detailed as the tweeter in the S1, but it still has plenty of detail and snap without getting in your face.   The mid-range really pulls you in and the very solid bass and high frequencies integrate very well.
At best average quality parts in $10k speakers is robbery. Without knowing it somehow I didn't even consider anything that 'inexpensive' unless perhaps selling direct brands. When the upgrade time comes I'll get $20k new speakers for $6k used delivered, and not a cent more.
I thoroughly enjoyed the PureAudioProject Trio15 Horn 1 when I reviewed it for Dagogo.com, and it is under $10K. Its configurability makes it a compelling option. I have pics of it in my virtual system.