@tomthiel: Thanks for your replies to my questions back on 8-24. Sorry for this delayed follow-up, life is keeping my busy these days.
I’m by no means an expert on analog delay, having only read an article you can find by searching for ‘boss talk: I love analog delay’. The article describes the history and workings of analog guitar delay pedals based on bucket brigade device (BBD) integrated circuits. One currently available example is the Boss DM-2W which can manage adjustable delays up to 800 ms and can be had for a not overly-dear price of $150.
However, analog delay pedals are prized for the distortion they add to the delayed signal, even after filtering mostly high-frequency noise, and that might seem to disqualify them for high-end audio applications. But clean filtering might be easier to attain for SBIR compensation because that involves isolating and delaying narrow-band, low-frequency signals –– not wide-band guitar tones. Maybe Jim worked out a design along these lines.
Worth repeating: This is unsupported speculation from a true non-expert.