SME V tone arm advice

I’m the original owner of the SME V tone arm, Litz wire on a Oracle Delphi Mk II table. I would like to upgrade the table in the 3-4 K range. My question is might it be better to sell the arm and purchase a table arm combination such as VPI prime or keep the arm and add a table and maybe replace the phono cable? A new cartridge is up for grabs at this point, prefer high output.  Thanks everyone for your experienced opinions. 
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Keep the SME V! There's a seller here with a nice Technics SP10 in a gloss black custom plinth that looks really beautiful! $7500 though! But compared to the price of a Tech Das Air Force ($50K +) a bargain!
You might also find a nicely restored Garrard 301 or 401 here or on US Audiomart for $4K or less!
Oracle is still in business and you can upgrade the table. Keep the SME V tonearm. You have two great products that work well together.

I don’t think the change to a VPI Prime is an upgrade at all. Many of the VPI owners and fans will likely disagree.

What phono preamp are you using? By higher output do you mean a higher output MC or a MM/MI cartridge?