My suggestion is that you find a service that has various cleaning methods and if you have duplicate copies of the same record that are in generally the same condition and play equally well, let the service clean with a couple different methods and you can evaluate on your system. Of course, each record may have been exposed to different types and degrees of contamination, but if they are records that you have owned since new, and are in generally good condition, that’s one "test." Another might be a few records that have noise or other sonic gremlins that you subject to different cleaning processes-- same caveat, but the results may reveal something about the different processes that you notice on your system. Finally, such services offer a fully monty cleaning, usually combining ultrasonic and more conventional cleaning. Worth trying that as well.
You can go as cheap or as crazy as you want. My experience has been that there is as much to method, good practices and rinse step as there is to fancy machines. I like ultrasonic, both for its cleaning effect as well as convenience (in the case of the plop it in and let the machine do all the work), but I don’t find it to be a complete answer if you have older, challenged records bought in the ’used’ market. Some audiophiles have abandoned conventional vacuum cleaning altogether in favor of ultrasonic, and there are now cheaper points of entry, including DIY (which doesn’t require that much skill- mainly adding a rotisserie and building a modestly priced filtration unit. The best results i have had come from combining methods).
Thanks for the kind words, @inna-- I would never claim to ’know everything- but have learned a lot just by experimenting, reading, comparing results and discussing with a number of people. Always more to learn. I have concluded:
There is no killer app -- you can get great results without spending a ton of money if you observe some best practices;
a pure water rinse of some sort helps remove fluid/contaminant residue;
no amount of cleaning will help some records. Each LP is sui generis.
A lot of improvement can be achieved by dialing your record player in, being scrupulous in keeping the stylus clean, handling of records, minimization of static, resleeving, etc.
PS: a bad cleaning is worse than no cleaning at all.
You can go as cheap or as crazy as you want. My experience has been that there is as much to method, good practices and rinse step as there is to fancy machines. I like ultrasonic, both for its cleaning effect as well as convenience (in the case of the plop it in and let the machine do all the work), but I don’t find it to be a complete answer if you have older, challenged records bought in the ’used’ market. Some audiophiles have abandoned conventional vacuum cleaning altogether in favor of ultrasonic, and there are now cheaper points of entry, including DIY (which doesn’t require that much skill- mainly adding a rotisserie and building a modestly priced filtration unit. The best results i have had come from combining methods).
Thanks for the kind words, @inna-- I would never claim to ’know everything- but have learned a lot just by experimenting, reading, comparing results and discussing with a number of people. Always more to learn. I have concluded:
There is no killer app -- you can get great results without spending a ton of money if you observe some best practices;
a pure water rinse of some sort helps remove fluid/contaminant residue;
no amount of cleaning will help some records. Each LP is sui generis.
A lot of improvement can be achieved by dialing your record player in, being scrupulous in keeping the stylus clean, handling of records, minimization of static, resleeving, etc.
PS: a bad cleaning is worse than no cleaning at all.