Best Cartridge for $1000-$1350?

Hello... I have an RPM3 turntabe (Sumiko Blue Point No. 2) with a Tube DS preamp (Golden Lion tubes). Im considering upgrading the cartridge. What MC cartridge in the price range of $1000-$1350 works good with this type of turntable/tonearm and preamp? I listen to Classic Rock (40%), Pop (30%), Greek (20%), Jazz/Orchestra (10%). In order of importance: Sonics, Soundstage, Air, Musical, Detail, Frequency Response, I guess the holy grail. Hope you can help. Thanks.
Have you considered an AT ART-9 (low output)?  Maybe spend a few dollars more to get a Soundsmith Zephyr III?  
I have no problem spending more if its worth the difference in value. How are the two different? how does it comare to the Van del Hul that roberjerman recommended? Does it fit well with my turntable/preamp?

Facts mixed to my opinion and the opinions of others....

The ART-9 is very highly regarded and is the pinnacle of the AT "house sound."  But it is a low output MC cart that will require a phono stage capable of handling low output carts OR a step-up device or transformer to boost the cart output.  Great dynamics, deep detail, tight timing, smooth response, air, transparency, soundstage and image.  Lots of info on the Audiogon Analog Forum.

The Soundsmith Zephyr is an outstanding example of a moving iron cart.  Very dynamic and detailed, great soundstage and tight image, warm, a great rock / jazz cart.  Higher output compatible with most phono stages without step-up device(s).  

In my opinion....

The ART-9 may be a little on the analytical side, the Zephyr

Both are outstanding performers.  In the final analysis, either cartridge will need to work well with the arm carrying it.