Looking for ideas - new mono blocks for stereo music


I am on a bit of a mission to upgrade my equipment and just recently purchased the Esoteric K-01X SACD player.
In my case, the primary focus for critical listening is stereo music (aka red book CD) from the Esoteric.
My current chain is from the Esoteric through the Marantz 8802A into the Bryston 7B-SST2 powering a pair of JBL 1400 Array speakers.
I am very happy with the JBLs and just upgraded to the K-01X (had the X-03SE before).

Right now I would like to hear some suggestions for new mono blocks. I am already planning on adding the Esoteric C-03X(s) to the system to replace the Marantz as (stereo) pre-amp.

The primary focus is detail and resolution as I really love hearing new aspects of CDs that previous equipment couldn't reveal.
Soundstage and instrument placement are also high on the list. Bass slam / impact is not really a priority since I am stuck in an apartment for the time being.
Another factor is heat - I am looking for an amp, not a space heater. Especially considering the already hot summers in Toronto!
The price ceiling for me is somewhere around $20,000/pair

My current short list consists of:
Pass Labs
Mark Levinson

Now it's time for the brainpool (that's you guys!) to have at it :)

Thanks in advance!
Interesting  description of the JC1s interaction with fuses.
Are the amps fully broken in or relatively new ?
This is important as they are totally different beasts after 1500 hrs. break in.

 Your amps, 600W@8 ohms, have twice the rated power necessary to run your speakers. Your amps are not being maximized to their fullest potential - they are not getting enough power.

I would like to directly challenge this statement, as I have used several extremely high power amps in my system and have never had problems with having an amp that has "too much power".  The fact that the amp has twice the rated power for a speaker should never be considered a negative thing.  In actuality, you want a huge reserve of power supply capacitance because any time the output circuits need to pull in voltage from the power supply in response to an input signal, the actual voltage from the power supply takes a dip.  Even if you can't measure this on a scope as "power supply ripple", it will still affect your sound quality and impact.

I also have 1,000 watt Emotiva XPR-1 monoblocks that include a massively huge 240,000uf power supply with a seriously heavy transformer (2.4kVA if I remember right).  With Furutech fuses loaded, these amps are amazingly detailed and nice for the price.  Never had a problem with "too much power for speakers", since I'm driving B&W 805, and they are specified at 120 watts.  In actuality, these speakers sounded better with a beefier larger amp.

NOTE: another disclaimer on Emotiva.  While they are very amazing amps for the money (if you load them with Furutech fuses), they are not the best amps out there.  There is an electrical resonance in the circuits that I can hear that makes the highs a little jangly and thin, as well as some grain in the general sound.  Other amps (JC1, 7b3, etc.) will be much cleaner and more refined sounding, but also significantly more expensive.


Finally, if you really read what the OP was doing, you would see that he is in an apartment and doesn't want massive bass.  While the REL subs are awesome (I have heard one), the OP will have more than enough bass with good amps on his JBL 1400.

@rost - I honestly don't know.  I bought them used, but they were only manufactured a year ago.  I do have about 500 hours on them at this point.  I have read that about JC1 amps (requiring 1200-1500 hours) and that was a big concern of mine when I was researching a couple weeks ago.
I heard the Bryston 7BSST3s with an EAR 912 tube preamp and it sounded excellent on Carver Amazing speakers.  Actually, more like superb in the mids and highs.  Upgrading the fuses and duplex are low cost upgrades.  Do not use Bryston A/C cables.  They are inferior sounding. I know as I replaced my BIT20 IT with GroverHuffman 20 amp A/C cables to clean and speed up the sound.
@ auxinput
¨Stock – JC1 has a very refined sound, midrange is very smooth and refined. Emphasis is tilted slightly towards the upper midrange which causes the audio to sound just a little bit thin in the midbass area. Sound is soft. Overall, sound to me is just a little bit low fidelity. It’s very smooth and refined, but just doesn’t sing or have that effect of sounding real.¨

Your above observations are exactly how my JC1s, purchased sometime ago, sounded to me before total break in.Too closed in and to be blunt, dull. In fact I mailed the late Bob Crump (R.I.P.) stating that although I appreciated their smooth refined sound I felt they were lacking top end extension to which he answered and I´m paraphrasing, ´give them time and they will open up nicely´. Which they did.

So I would encourage you to keep them working  with the original fuses for awhile longer and after, if you notice the change in sound I´m speaking about, reevaluate the effects of different fuses. In fact I was ridiculed in a long ago post by another member for recommending  that JC1s require the 1500 hours to finally sound their best. I believe this to be the case with most if not all new components and probably the reason for so much turn around of gear that new owners experience for lack of patience. 
