If not an Oppo 205 then what?

So I was going to purchase the Oppo 205 but now that Oppo will no longer produce it people seemed to have bought them up all up and are now trying to sell them for 2 or 3 times the original $1200 price. 

If I wanted to go with another brand what would you recommend? I want the unit to have Dolby Vision, HDMI 2.2, 4K, etc.

Oppo is making huge profits by selling direct. They cut out their distributor and dealer network. They will continue to release this product over the next 12 months. The suckers who bought product with the intent to flip at gouging price rates are going to be disappointed. Patience will be rewarded. 

Even better! Nicely done. I still have a 105D that's less than 2 years old.  And I don't use it as my primary CD player so hopefully it will be around a good long while. 

Kindest regards