Tube amp/integrated with bass grip for Aerial 7Ts

So I’ve upgraded my speakers from Aerial bookshelves (5B in the kitchen and 5T in the living room) to Aerial 7T in the living room. Amazing difference in both low end and clarity of midrange when powered by my Luxman integrated vs 5Ts. That amp just grips the woofers and produces the most realistic drums and low piano notes I’ve ever heard in my life (even better than my old Classe Omicron and Aerial 10T combo I sold years ago due to space issues in my prior living arrangement). My other amp is Cary SLI-80 F1 integrated, an amp I always loved powering smaller speakers, but it simply falls apart in the low end powering the 7Ts Looking to upgrade to either a tube amplifier or integrated (not picky, my DAC has volume control and is my only source) that will come close to Luxman in the low end grip. Thinking Audio Research 75SE or 150SE? What other amps should I be looking at. My budget is under 10K used. I'm keeping the Luxman as I listen 8 hours a day while working, tube amp would be for evenings and weekends.
@adg101 ARC LS28/VT80SE has now been in the system connected to the Aerial 7Ts for a couple of months. No regrets. Drives them with ease well past comfortable volume levels. Bass is actually as good as it is with luxman which is to say superb and everything else has just a little bit of that tube goodness I was missing. 75 Watts seems plenty. 
I am very much considering the new Levinson 535H or 533H for me Aerial acoustics speakers.  What are your thoughts?
Best combo I’ve ever heard in my life was Aerial 10T and Levinson monoblocks. Granted that was long ago when I was just getting into hifi but that session stuck with me forever. I can’t imagine any Levinson not playing well with any Aerial speaker. 
I can't find a 533H anywhere so I have a lead on a 535H... but I am not sure it is enough power for the Aerials.  Any thoughts on that?
I run Aerial 7Ts with both a LS28/VT80 combo with 75watts and Luxman L507uX with 110watts depending on the mood I'm in. I watch movies with both amps and I've never heard them clip. Aerial 7T is a 86db efficient speaker.