I will ask this question. When did Mike Morrow start this " redesign " ? His website indicates the newly designed cables were available as of June of this year, so anyone ordering since this time has the new design. How long does a cable manufacturer need to create an almost 180 ( maybe 360 ) degree design change before actual manufacture ? If I bought MA5s in May of 2017 ( which I did ), was he already in the process of the change ? It reminds me of my experience with my purchase of a new Audio Research SP 6 preamp many years ago, when shortly after, a new and improved version came out ( a, b, c). Financially, the offer Morrow is offering to someone like me does not make sense ( yes, " it is not generous, it is actually penalizing " ). All of the buyers ( of the original designs ) that made Morrow Audio successful should feel the way I do, but, to each his own. I wish Morrow Audio continued success, but as I said above, I am out. Enjoy ! MrD.