Morrow Audio re-design announcement: No more Ag coated Cu; Increased numbers of runs.

Just got a notice in my Email about this. Seems like the new design went into production in June. It does have me scratching my head a bit. I’m wondering if any Morrow Audio cable users (old or new design) have comments. The link will take you to the announcement that provides details on the new cable design including instructions for determining whether someone has received old or new design cables.


@mrdecibel  is correct in his assessment and I concur. The offer doesn't compute financially or offer an upside for a customer (like me). It may work for doesn't for me.
I'm sure Mike Morrow is quaking in his boots.  That aside, why belabor this point - ?  If you don't like the offer, don't do it.  

And do you really think @technik doesn't grasp Morrow's pricing structure and offers?  They are not particularly difficult to understand.
That's some interpretation on your part.

Since tecknic doesn't own Morrow cables, I believe it's safe to assume he hasn't done business with them. Perhaps he has a side hobby of analyzing pricing structures that he hasn't shared.

Apparently, you don't have a good understanding of how their pricing works, either.

Let me be more direct. Morrow's offer is not generous. It's actually penalizing. Happy?
I will ask this question. When did Mike Morrow start this " redesign " ? His website indicates the newly designed cables were available as of June of this year, so anyone ordering since this time has the new design. How long does a cable manufacturer need to create an almost 180 ( maybe 360 ) degree design change before actual manufacture ? If I bought MA5s in May of 2017 ( which I did ), was he already in the process of the change ? It reminds me of my experience with my purchase of a new Audio Research SP 6 preamp many years ago, when shortly after, a new and improved version came out ( a, b, c). Financially, the offer Morrow is offering to someone like me does not make sense ( yes, " it is not generous, it is actually penalizing " ). All of the buyers ( of the original designs ) that made Morrow Audio successful should feel the way I do, but, to each his own. I wish Morrow Audio continued success, but as I said above, I am out. Enjoy ! MrD.
Most cable manufacturers are continually changing or evolving their designs. Why wouldn’t they? The big question is does Morrow believe in wire directionality and cryo.
I have two questions for the nay sayers. What other cable manufacturer offers, as an everyday item a discount to upgrade to their next level of cables and to have a 60 trial period to make sure you're happy with them before you trade in your old ones? What other cable manufacturer offers you a discount on an improved design and gives you a 60 day trial period and if you're not happy, return them and get a full refund?