Stillpoints - snake oil?

Anybody here using Stillpoints Ultras? My dealer thinks highly of them, but I am very suspicious.
Boxer12, That's certainly possible. My original point to the OP before being side tracked on cables etc.. was about isolation devices and my advice is ask the manufacturer what is their opinion on using these devices. Since they designed the componet and have their reputation as well as a monetary consideration I would tend to trust their advice as to what is required for the device to perform at it's optimal level. They might advise the use of these devices. I would rather have their opinion over a hundred ancedotal testamonials. 
OP here....

I just ordered a set a four Stillpoints Ultra SS. I decided it was worth trying. Thanks everyone for chiming in
Thyname, I hope you find it was a worthwhile investment. If not hopefully you can get a refund. 
Big ripoff there are much better foot e.g. Magico feet,Marago mystery feet,also Loyd 1 etc.I find they tilt the balance toward the highs which in my system is thin,lean and not at all desirable.This is why there are always many on the used market.

The Isoacoustics Orea Indigo costs ~$60 per footer.

The Isoacoustics Iso-puck costs ~$110 for a set of 4.

The Indigo is marketed to home audio; the Puck (at least according to their website) to the pro audio market.

Am I missing something here, beyond the basic math?