Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Frazeurl - as you know, I have been using a used pair of MWTs for surrounds for a while now. Absolutely terrific, crossed over @ 80Hz to a Def Tech subwoofer. I get a real 360 degree sound field with excellent uniformity of tone front to back. Enjoy!
Yep Bond, I think I discussed your MWT's awhile back ago with you. Your comments as well as many others here prompted my decision to go into the whole surround thing and give it a try. But I am just as impressed with these using them as front L/R speakers for the moment. Just very fun and engaging to listen to. Feels like you are right at the edge of the stage(if not on it) with the performers! Tim
Christmas bump for my fovorite thread of all time!

Many thanks to all of the contributors to this thread- especially the Ohm-owners who have influenced me over the past couple of years.

To everyone- may you share your love of music and the joy you have from your systems with your families and friends this Holiday system, in safety and in comfort.

For me- I'm Ohm for the Holidays ;P

Thanks Parasound, me too, I'm Ohm for the holidays and listening to my Ohm theater! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all! Will have to get busy working on my MWT review soon! Happy listening all!

Just an update on my first anniversary of deciding to keep the Walsh 2000s. Over the year, I have made numerous improvements to my system. I have added a new DAC (K-Works SupperBerry, a highly modded Beresford DAC), new digital cable, new preamp (McIntosh C220), custom cradle bases for the Ohms, and had my vintage Thorens 'table modified and fitted with a new cartridge (Denon DL-160). In each case, the 2000s allowed me to clearly hear the differences before and after. Even the difference in the upgraded digital cable, which I thought I would never be able to hear, was clearly and dramatically resolved by the Ohms. I went from a $20 digital cable to a $300 digital cable (K-Works Goldenheart Digital), and I can honestly say it was worth it.

In fact, there is almost no comparison between the sound I was getting a year ago and the sound I am getting today. It is miles better! The 2000s continue to delite and amaze me, and I am sure that future upgrades in associated gear will yield even more improvements.

I have been a member of the local audio club for about two years now, and have heard many different systems and speakers, some costing many multiples of the 2000s. While I have heard some great sound at these meetings, I never feel bad when I return home and fire up my Ohms. Of course, all these systems sound different, but as my electronics and cables have improved, I have narrowed the gap with those mega-buck systems considerably.

Kudos to John and his employees at Ohm - they have made it possible for me to enjoy champagne on a beer budget!