Stillpoints - snake oil?

Anybody here using Stillpoints Ultras? My dealer thinks highly of them, but I am very suspicious.
Interesting thread--I am considering using Ultra SS with the Ultra Bases as footers for my new speakers (which are now being built). I have not had the opportunity to try any Stillpoints till now so would be interested in feedback when used in this application. I looked at a variety of options (trying to find a less costly alternative) but am persuaded, for a variety of reasons, that the Stillpoints may be the best way to "float" the speakers in my room (suspended wood floor above basement level). One thing I took into consideration was the fact that two very respected designers of high end gear (David Berning amplification and Artisan Fidelity turntables) apply them as standard on every product.


If your speakers are a custom build, you should have them made with 1/4-20 threaded brass inserts at the four corners and at front and back edge center. That way whatever Stillpoints or other footers you choose can be screwed in directly at three or four points without resorting to the bases. I use four Stillpoint Ultra 5s with Merlin VSMs and TTs. In other applications I use Starsound Audiopoints and Rhythm and Apprentice platforms and racks. One nice thing about Stillpoints is that they are portable between components and racks. The Starsound stuff sounds great, but is more of a whole system concept.

@dgarretson  Do you recommend three Stillpoint Ultra 5s over four, per speaker? Thanks.

@david_ten I never tried three with the Merlins, as these speakers have a small crossection that gets tippy with three points. However, I have used up to five Ultra 5s and Ultra SSs under electronics and turntables with incremental improvements. Same thing with Starsound Audiopoints under an Esoteric K-01X CDP, where I use six Audiopoints into a Rhythm rack.  BTW, even after all of that, the Esoteric benefits from a Stillpoints LPI record weight at the center of its aluminum top plate!

@dgarretson Thanks! I like the idea of improvements as one adds more points of connection...well, except for the added spend. :)

Any advice or perspective on Star Sound vs Stillpoints (beyond what you have already shared in a post above)? Application is for speakers. Thanks.