Tekton Double Impact vs. Vandersteen 2ce sig II

Good evening folks, just looking for opinions on the Tektons vs. the Vandersteens. They are both right around the same ballpark in price (3k) so should be a fair fight. I have been a Vandersteen fan for a long time. I have their old 2C and find it to be a very special speaker and is musical in a way that is hard to describe. Recently I heard the Treo CT and it was on a whole other level of clarity and musicality, but still with that signature Vandy sound. Alas, they are $8400, so cannot afford right now. I am rather new to the forums and the Tektons caught my eye. Are these really all that and a bag of chips? people seem to be swooning over them (at least in 2017, I am only about 30 pages in the giant thread, so maybe the enthusiasm has died down by now?) Anyway, Just wanted to get some opinions from any folks who have heard both and what they liked best and why. Thanks for your time.
Yes extremely interested in folks who have loved the Vandersteen sound for so long and then heard the DIs and then were converted. I wonder if there is anyone out there that fits this description.

I already had one guy PM me and tell me we was going to buy the Quatros, but when he heard the DI's he didn't feel the need to look any further.
i never say anything bad about another product but if ya think Quattro bass can be duplicated for less, I need to smoke some of that....
11 bands analog EQ so speaker fits room
sub amp
your main amp relieved of load below 80 HZ
world class Model 7 Carbon tweeter...

your results may vary

i live with the Treo half time..... poor mans Vandersteen 7 .....

to the posters w no dealers - Music Direct as well as other dealers offer generous return policy... work it over the phone and you might be surprised....

Just compare the build quality of the two. The rest will speak for itself....
I have I have been a Vandersteen 2CE Sig 2 owner for several years now that is being driven by my McIntosh MC601 Monoblocks 600watts. Before I purchased my 2CE Sig 2, I was looking at some some speakers that cost five times the price of the Vandersteen and I still ended up with the 2CE Sig 2. These speakers I think are way under rated, the clarity, soundstage, and transparency is very good. It is however very sensitive to positioning so you really need to spend the time and follow the instruction. What I also found out is that the Vandersteen at least the 2CE Sig 2, are amplifier friendly meaning, regardless what brand of amp you use, it will sound good if set up right. I’ll be happy to demo mine if anyone here leave near by me. I was thinking about upgrading to the Treo but man, with the set up and system I have, it is very competitive. If there are any question please cotact me, thank you.