Morrow Audio re-design announcement: No more Ag coated Cu; Increased numbers of runs.

Just got a notice in my Email about this. Seems like the new design went into production in June. It does have me scratching my head a bit. I’m wondering if any Morrow Audio cable users (old or new design) have comments. The link will take you to the announcement that provides details on the new cable design including instructions for determining whether someone has received old or new design cables.

Two members here have shared information that is to your benefit, financially and in terms of product in hand.

You have a choice:

Open your mind, listen and perhaps understand.

OR wave your flag of blissful ignorance loud and proud and rush to be first in line to sacrifice yourself at the high altar of consumerism.

You said ’anyone’ answer would be slightly different had you said ’to some.’

: )

I’m still waiting for the names of the other cable manufacturers that offer anything close to what Mike Morrow offers in terms of discounts for the upgrade or trial period for that matter.

That’s why I asked if "anyone" would care to answer the question I asked back on page one of this thread.

And still the silence is still overwhelming.
Example:Harley Davidson upgraded their sound system on 2019 bikes to a whole new design. If I bought a new 2018 before the release of the 2019’s, based on your argument, Harley should let me upgrade my sound system for next to nothing, and let me return to them my old system, right? I don’t think they will let that happen.
If I want that upgrade, I will have to trade in my 2018 bike and BUY a 2019 bike, and probably at a substantial difference.
Or just buy the new system set up at full price, which I’m sure is substantional and sell the old stuff on eBay.
I guess Morrow is the ONLY manufacturer that has a return and upgrade program for less that half the price of a new cable!
Anyone? Other manufacturers doing this?? Hello?
The other cable manufacturers change their designs or add new products also, WITHOUT the trade up program. They just bank on us buying their new product at full price. That's why we all have cables from different eras and different manufacturers thrown in a box somewhere collecting dust. At least with Mike's cables you send in your old and get the latest, or next level up at a discounted price.

You really should frame this post. It's scintillating in showcasing your wisdom of the market and the players in it. I am in awe of your experience.

At some point in the future (despite it's lack of predictability), you will have an urge to delete your post. If you succumb, you only have to look above. 

Top of the line AntiCables were also all silver and now are copper/silver coated cable....very minor tonal difference.