record collectors/record collecting/ e bay

I assume everybody here is tired of e bay's  no nothing redneck  record "dealers"? These hillbillies  are killing any enjoyment left  in  in a declining business .I'm  sick of it!.  Expensive AND chit quality! 

I have to admit smart folks dropped vinyl 20 years ago. The genius dropped it in the 90's. Once rock and roll became declasse,, this thing died.

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I spend around $300-$500 a month on vinyl.  Mostly new, but some used.  While I don't use E-Bay the most, all of the LPs I've bought so far have been perfect.  Many excellent sellers and the prices are decent.

Not sure what you are buying, but I sure don't feel the same way you do.
Some of us "hillbillies," and "rednecks," were the "smart folks" who built our record collections when the "geniuses in the know" were dumping their record collections at garage sales and thrift stores after they bought into Sony’s propaganda campaign of "Perfect Sound Forever."

Although its getting to be slim pickings comparatively speaking, good records can still be found at garage sales, thrift stores, and elsewhere for those not to lazy to hunt for them.

The same can be said for CD’s. I was looking through the CD’s at the local Goodwill store recently when a man walked by with his young son and commented to me that "CD’s are sooo 1990." I didn’t ask for his opinion, but he rudely offered it anyway. I was left wondering if he was enjoying his MP3 player.

Me thinks the OP "assumes" way too much.

Overgrading is common on ebay and I think getting worse. But not everyone does that, besides, some records are difficult to grate accurately. Original pressings in NM condition should be expensive, pay or leave.
Check out Discogs dot com for used LP's and CDs. It's a worldwide site, but there are many good sellers in the US and UK. Accurate grading; I've had very good luck buying there.
Collectables are expensive, but mass produced issues can be very inexpensive.