Vintage receivers???

Considering buying a classic vintage receiver or integrated amp for my second system. At the moment I've been looking at Marantz 2200 series, but I'm just starting.................Power isn't a big concern as this will not be played at concert hall levels. ........Good sound quality is important.........My questions are, A) Recommendations........B) typical cost for recap and alignments.......and is it worth the cost and trouble?

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I can't really defend the SQ of XM radio. I only listen to it in the car. I am hard pressed to find enough time at home to sit and listen to my CDs, cassettes and vinyl, let alone the radio. As always, my comments are probably unique to me, but I did leave FM radio (in favor of XM)  behind back in 2005, and I've never looked back. I'm not even sure what it costs anymore (I pay annually, but whatever it is, it's well worth it to me! Just for the nostalgia of it, I would be interested in a McIntosh MR78 or a Marantz 10B, if I could find one at a reasonable price.
XM sound quality is middling with all the compression. Then there’s the program material. XM has a very limited range of material. They tend to keep a very small rotation With less than 50 artists per channel. At least they don’t have commercials. 
I don’t need to defend XM radio. It has huge range; music, sports, talk radio, comedy, it’s all there. At less than $.50 a day, it’s a bargain. For anyone who spends a lot of time in the car, it’s indispensable! Try the promotional rate of 6 months for $25, you’ll never go back to FM.

I have vintage Sansui QRX-5500 and Marantz 2252B that I went through, cleaned all the switches, pots, etc. and restored slightly.  They both work and sound great, but I can tell you that the Sausui actually sounds slightly better than the Marantz.  Also, I love the older vintage gear with the wood grain panels, just like the Pioneer Elite units with the wood surround.

The Snasui QRX-5500 is the monster surround 4-channel (Probably quad) unit.  I really like the look and sound of it.  I only use it in the 2-channel mode, but it is nice.

a few years ago I purchased a mint Pioneer receiver (with wood panels) for my daughter along with a mint Pioneer turntable that I placed a new cartridge on for her.  She and other younger people are now getting seriously into vinyl.  The Pioneer receiver was in mint condition (seriously). Inside it looked brand spanking new.  I found out that It was stored by the previous owner's father that passed away. 

They are out there is you look, and most are not expensive.  E-bay is a good place to look.  If it isn't Marantz or McIntosh, the price is typically reasonable.  Also, as I said, the ones with wood casings are beautiful.
