You have to admit, what WC has started is some very good and much needed conversations/discussions about equipment, rooms, perception, etc.
I am actually enjoying this and really admire WC (and his wife for allowing him to do this). The ultimate resulting side discussions are not only needed but mandatory.
I was in San Diego recently and went to a "high end" dealer. Stereo Unlimited I believe. Since Stereo Design closed their doors a while ago, my fun has been limited.
However, Stereo Unlimited has pretty good salespeople and consultants with a good inventory of equipment. They sell used and new albums also.
I grabbed a 4 disc copy of Dire Straits Brother in Arms album and played in on one system with golden ear speakers, Rogers (I believe integrated) and I forgot the turntable. Brother in Arms is a song that really demonstrates much about systems.
That song was great, however, the bass kind of threw me off. It was thumping and good, but hmmm.
I then took the album in the other room to hear it on the system with Vandersteen 7s, VTL amps and pre-amp and again (forgot the turntable). I asked the owner to remove the existing speakers and put the Vandersteen 7s in the system. They were in the same room. He (with help) managed to do that for me without complaint. Well, I found a new favorite store, other than Randall's in Santa Monica.
Wow!!!! the Vandersteen and VTL setup really sang. love those speakers. What I really noticed was that the golden ear speakers exaggerated the bass. Most people that don't compare with A/B comparisons at the same time wouldn't really notice until much later (after purchase). But, to me, the Golden ear speakers in that system exaggerated the bass.
Granted the Vandersteens and VTL setup was much, much more expensive, but one could tell that the bass wasn't right.