Power cords

Was wondering if anyone had an opportunity to compare the new Audioquest Dragon power cord to Synergistic Research Atmosphere Level 3 or Galileo UEF power cords? I run a full loom of SR Atmosphere Level 3's and while I love what they bring to the soundstage width, height and depth, black background, great air & separation, layering and especially focus, not sure they are the last word in "body & weight". Wondering if someone has tried the AQ Dragons in their system to flush out a bit more body?
Thanks David,
Perhaps I should clarify....I am in no way unhappy with the performance of SR cables. They are by far the best I've heard in my system....I'm still internally debating whether they lack body and weight or are just so good at filtering out the hash and fuzz that I perceive something missing.  I have been working with David Weinhart and he has been a great help....I have also spoken with Peter at the Cable Co.....I think he came out of AQ. I'm running all SR Blue fuses throughout although admittedly have neglected the outlets. I do have one SR Black duplex on the mono blocks. I have found the addition of the UEF Panels and dots and especially the Active Grounding Block SE really tightened things up and definitely added some density and weight. I will look into the E-Mats....good call and thanks for the info.
While no one can tell you how power cords will sound in your system I can perhaps suggest that AQ Dragons will NOT give you the change you are looking for.

My system uses a mix of SR (Galileo LE and others) and AQ (Dragon) cables. The latter are used only on my mono block VTL amps. The Dragon's were a recent upgrade from WEL Sig. 

You describe yourself as looking for more "body and weight". While its impossible to know what exactly you mean by this in many cases a sense of body, of "oomph" is associated with low/mid bass (i.e the 60-120 Hz range say). 

In changing from WEL to Dragon I experienced a significant and very audible reduction in this range. Initially it seemed as if the Dragon was "bass shy" but after a short acclimatization period it was clear that the Dragon was resolving a bass boom that the prior cable had exacerbated and that the Dragon was bringing through lower (even sub-bass) tones albeit at a diminished (but mix correct) level.

In other words sub-bass and bottom end of the bass guitar is more accurately rendered, with great tactile detail, but at an apparently lower level -- but a level that does not mask other details.

The real skill of the Dragon is in this trick of unmasking. You may find at first listen that this feels "thin" but give yourself time to work out what is going on. The Dragon is also a very "fast" cable, I don't mean tippy leading edge emphasis but what I mean is its ability to preserve the relative timing of acoustic environmental and artistic intent cues.

However if your system (and in particular) room is not capable of preserving and resolving these cues the effect of the Dragon might seem strident aka the proverbial "silver cable" sound.

So overall while I cannot know I worry that this may not be a good fit if you have optimized your current setup in such a way that you feel in need of a bit more slam and heft ... obviously that is just my experience but hopefully somewhat helpful
I made my own power cords with top of the line Furutech connections.   I've never heard better....tried many pro cables
I made my own power cords with top of the line Furutech connections.   I've never heard better....tried many pro cables

What DIY cord/wire did you use?
Thanks folkfreak,
"The real skill of the Dragon is in this trick of unmasking. You may find at first listen that this feels "thin" but give yourself time to work out what is going on. "
Your above quote I think puts it about where I'm at....not as it pertains to the Dragons, but in my case, getting familiar with the SR "sound".   I'm still internally debating whether they lack body and weight or are just so good at filtering out the hash and fuzz that I perceive something missing. I too have a small room at 10'8" wide by 15'6" long and 10' ceilings heavily treated with GIK's assistance...I'm actually very happy with the sound but as always....looking for any improvements...funny actually your Dragon review that prompted my post:)