Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
I should also add countless other speakers I’ve heard on my trips to CES, Stereophile show, etc.
Sndsrtaud - Thanks for posting that very extensive list of speakers! I have to admit that I have not heard of many of them, and have not heard most of them. I have heard some of the Silverline Audio speakers, and I usually refer to the Bolero as my dream speaker, so I found it interesting that you like your Ohms better than the Sonata, just one notch below the Bolero. Of course, loudspeaker preference is very personal, but I am with you on this. Every month I get to hear some very good speakers at my local audio club meeting, and it rare that I don't look forward to going home and firing up my Ohm 2000s afterwards.

Mapman - I always keep an eye out for those early stereo LPs with the gatefold that include technical info and a diagram showing the layout of the performers. I have about a dozen of them at this point. They usually sound quite good. Some are demo records produced by or for an electronics manufacturer, like the Admiral demo LP I have, complete with pictures in the gatefold of Admiral console stereos! I love this hobby.
Some of the Silverline designs like the Boleros in particular appear pretty formidable. Nice to hear the OHMs might play in the same league.
Bondman and Mapman. I am quite familiar with the Silverline as I reviewed the SR17 for SoundStage!, worked a couple shows with Alan and sold the line when I had my shop. Absent a couple of duds which were short lived, Silverline makes some really excellent loudspeakers.

I can’t say the Ohms are “better” because the Ohms, being a quasi-omni are a different type of speaker with a different presentation- a presentation I personally prefer and I think many other folks would too.

You're right. It's all about the presentation that differentiates the ohms from other good designs. .