Mad Scientist wires

Just wondering if anybody has any experience with these interconnects or power cables (can't for the life of me figure out why they don't offer speaker cables)?  They seem to be one of those fly-under-the-radar brands that has that tantalizing trilogy of interesting technology, attractive pricing, and great reviews, but I rarely hear anything about them here.  Anyone have experience with these guys?
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 "Wow beautox, seems your diaper is full and no one to change it for you? Big enough to write but not potty trained yet? sad. "

What is sad is recklessly spewing reams of incorrect information without accepting responsibility for having done so.

You should have acknowledged that you didn't know what you were talking about instead of attempting to be funny.

Yes, I live in the US and have purchased MSA products.

I have purchased Mad Scientist products and the shipping charges are reasonable and shipment was prompt. Communication by the seller was excellent. Not all products affected the change I was looking for and they do a great job of fulfilling their return policy.
Their products are worthy of your consideration.

David Pritchard
I have also purchased products from Mad Scientist and shipping was quite reasonable. (Power cord and tweaks) Good sounding products. I live in the US.