How good is your hearing ? And how do you know ?

Sometimes I have a big laugh when reading this forum. There are clearly people whose hearing is, shall I say, very special. So why buy good stuff ?


Can I also point out something else. Anyone who has spent a fair amount of time being a professional tape runner (the guy who does duplication) on whatever level becomes aware of outer to inner revolution distortion. Once you experience this to the point where it’s ingrained into your scull, it sticks with you forever. It shows up in tape speeds and vinyl pressings alike. The analog language is more susceptible to this than the digital language, before it gets to the analog signal stage.

Set up two systems, one using tape and one CD (don’t do this on the same system). Play the CD system and skip from the first track to the last (play 30 seconds of each). The sonic cue is the same. Now play the first song on your RtR then fast forward to the last track. The cue is different. On vinyl it’s more so.

Lastly, the reason I like CD’s more is the repeat button. I’m not so crazy about any recordings first pass through the system. I put the player on repeat and usually get interested on the 3rd or forth pass as the system settles into the signals vibratory structure. If I compared a tape, vinyl and CD on the first pass, I would more cases than not pick the tape or vinyl over the CD (recording dependent). However the tape nor the vinyl give me this option, and after about the 3rd or so pass the CDP usually walks away from the others.

Michael Green

Michael, languages are untranslatable. If the language is digital you must not convert it into analog, you must take it as it is. This is for machines not humans, as we are now.
Geoff, yeah, no argument about that.
Is there a different between what I'll call sensitive hearing, and the physiological ability to hear the whole spectrum appropriate to one's age?
Play any instrument or hear anyone's voice, there are so many nuances, some of which are probably perceived beyond our awareness, at least in the beginning. Perception and its processing are very complex and not fully understood things. To a degree it is individual, subjective, but the foundation is common.
"Sensitive hearing" is a talent, an art form.

inna ""Sensitive hearing" is a talent, an art form."  Its funny how backgrounds differ, respectfully submitted, just naturally I would not consider it a positive.  And of course this is coming from someone without it.