How do you store and catalog your vinyl?

Just curious how members store, sort and catalog their vinyl collection.
With less than a 1000 I have a hard time remembering just what I already own and have purchased duplicates by mistake whilst at the LRS.

How do you store them?
How do you sort them? Alphabetical or genre or year?
Catalog? In the good old days probably in a note book modern equivalent would be a word document or excel spreadsheet.

Very interested to hear what you do and how you manage that massive collection.
So, you're saying plastic jewel cases don't reflect sound waves that hit them?! The jewel case's internal volume may also resonate, but it's not either/or.
No I’m not saying that at all. But reflection doesn’t equate to diffusion. That’s is actually why I said they act as resonators, though. Everything in the room reflects. Also, even if the CDs were stored horizontally they would still reflect. But the sound would be worse.

You can control the experiment to eliminate obvious causes like diffusion and reflection. Like covering the CDs with a thick blanket. Besides, I just gave the big secret away. Don’t tell anyone. 🤫 I said all media behaves this way, I.e., store vertically.  It doesn’t have anything to do with room acoustics, well, except for the resonator part which you can eliminate with paper sleeves.
I catalog my music, vinyl, cds, sacd, DVD’s on an Excel spreadsheet on my laptop and then download it to my phone. That way I have it with me when I’m buying new vinyl. Prior to doing that I was repurchasing albums I already owned. I list them alphabetically by artist, album name, media. I store my albums alphabetically as well using the Boltz LP shelves. They are very well built, easy to add additional shelves and have sturdy wheels. I think each shelf holds 180 albums. 
Lost track but that might be the first example of cataloging on Excel which is what I initially had in mind to do.