Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
"What is the SE? "

I'm guessing the latest microwalsh that may use different drivers than before (just plain Microwalsh?) similar to 1000 series. Not certain though. Maybe someone else knows for sure?
It's conculsion made perfect sense: The ohms you should absolutely listen, but be careful: Once in the ear, is the way far back and not easy".
Now that I've read through this whole thread and ordered my MWTs, I turn to all you OHMers for some advice and guidance. I'm extremely new to all of this, and admittedly know very little about the technical aspects of amps, speakers, preamps, sources, etc. and all of the accompanying lingo. At this point, I have a very basic and inexpensive setup. My sources are a Macbook Pro optical out, Xbox 360/PS3, and a $100 Audio Technica turntable. While I own hundreds of CDs, at this point I primarily play flac files using the MBP. I have the Peachtree Nova integrated amp w/ DAC as the centerpiece.

The first components I'd imagine upgrading would be better cables and interconnects, and then to get a phono stage and a better turntable.

Seeing as how the Nova's pre and dac are fairly well-regarded, I would like to just add a better amp into the chain, retaining the Nova as the core.

Do any of you have any advice, especially as far as making a big impact in the short term without spending too much? Having just dropped the money on the speakers, I'll have to wait awhile before the bigger things (phono stage, turntable, amp, etc.).

I'm so freakin excited to hear these things!
ALways go one step at a time and take time to assess before taking the next.

You will be well set with amp, DAC and speakers once you make the decision on the speaks.

Do everything you can to get the Peachtree and OHMs dialed in as perfectly as possible using your available digital sources. Then assess for a while and see what if anything else is needed.

Then once you have a good reference based on the digital sources, which you are much better positioned with than with the vinyl at present I am fairly certain, you can focus on the vinyl as needed.