Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
"What do the MWTs most resemble as far as headphone brand/style?"

Probably the more neutral sounding ones with flatter frequency response, which I have seen several models of the brands you mention have been measured to achieve.

But its is really hard to compare speakers to headphones because they are so different. Room acoustics play a big part usually with speakers but not with headphones.

OHMs are bottom ported and most I have heard with no bottom plinth can interact strongly with floors, especially those in upper levels built with plywood as is typical in most homes. I use a slate tile under each of my 100s to tame that in my second system where it occurs. The 1000 series OHMs all have the solid wood plinth below which I think is a good thing to help inherently tame that.

I have always found many smooth and hard roon surfaces, hard wood flooring in particular to be quite lively and echo prone and harder to tame in general in regards to the room acoustics with most any speaker. In these cases, I think less, ie a smaller speaker like the Micros, can be more.
Getting to the part of this thread where Rebbi decides to sell his Ohms is like your favorite character on a tv show suddenly being killed off. I totally didn't see it coming! What's worse is that it made me second guess the speakers, without even having heard them yet. Prior to that happening, it seemed like these were, hands down no question, the best speaker under $2-3000. I know feel that I need to try out some PSB Synchrony 2s, if Rebbi ultimately decided those could slay the mighty Ohms.

Now I see Frazeur has his MWTs up for sale on another site. Maybe I missed it, but why are you selling them?!

Don't take my selling of the Ohms too much to heart. I ultimately decided, I think, that the "omni" presentation of the Ohms wasn't my cup of tea. It may in part be because my room was so "lively" and untreated at the time that it was doing injustice to what the Ohm's can do. I decided that I preferred the "pinpoint" presentation of a more conventional, forward firing speaker. But the MWT's are a steal at their price and you owe it to yourself to try them.
They're on their way to me next week, so I'll definitely be trying them, at the very least.

Out of curiosity, any of you Ohm owners in the Atlanta area?
No worries. In the past 6 years, I've listened to many high end headphones. I've got the MWT short lately and these sounded extremely good. The vocal, soundstage and imaging is better than any pair of headphones I've heard.