3 best 10k speakers now imho

If I was about to pull the plug to replace my present Verity Audio Rienzi, I would consider those 3 contenders as my first choices.

1_ Revel F228BE
2_ Magico A3
3_ Spendor D9

I strongly believe those 3 pack the hardest punch right now at 10k.

Revel F228BE offers 2 x 8 inches bass woofers and a beryllium tweeter, this is a lot at that price level if you consider you have to go up to the Sopra 3 at Focal to get the same. Also ceramic composite drivers like Raidho, very light and stiff cone material.

Magico A3 has been compared favorably to Kanta 2 and Sopra 2 by online reviewers, Plus you get an all aluminum casing. Back ordered at dealers everywere, they seems to attract a lot of buyers.

Spendor D9, those are really special speakers imho, they are the « sleeper car « pair between the 3... often forgotten. Very quick and snappy, pratty drivers. EP77 cone material makes for a very natural midrange, a bit like Harbeth but without the thin wall resonating casing. Very nice soft dome tweeter also that has proven to be a musical, reliable winner for Spendor all these years. ( made from SEAS I believe)

What you guys think?


They are just a couple of buttinskies, and can’t help themselves. Have pity.
The comment was made as gross profit has nothing to do with net profit.

People who often look at these posts are therefore assuming inaccurate information. For a dealer to talk about profit is just wrong it doesn’t determine anything and encourages people to think that because a product has x margins they should get x percentage off.

However with that being said there are a few brands on the market with really big markups that often encourage game playing with price.

When in reality most businesses are not making that much real profit when you factor in the true costs of running a business.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
I would add the Aerial 7t. A while back there was a shootout with the Revel Ultima Salon 2 on AVS and pretty much everybody preferred the 7ts over the Salon 2s, which was surprising since the 7ts were using some relatively inexpensive Vifa drivers, but I guess it’s all about the implementation.

Also you should not forget ID brands either, as they tend to have less fancy shaped cabinets but much better drivers and crossovers than their equivalent ID counterparts (I know this somewhat contradicts my point on the Aerial 7t....but a good value/$ should be worth something too).

Salk Soundscape 8 for example uses some pretty serious drivers and is around 9k. You also have Ascend Acoustics which sells a crazy souped-up version of their Ascend Sierra Tower for under 10k using the Seas T29D001 diamond tweeter (a $7000/pair tweeter that plays flat from 40KHz down to 600 Hz...).