Here are the key points: 1) use small squares of sorb, no more than 1 inch square, 2) use dense sorbothane 70 duro is what to look for, 3) use as thick sorb as you can get, 1/4 to 1/2 inch, I have not used 1 inch but Sorbothane notes on its site that thicker gives better damping of low frequencies. 4) fastening is critical, 3m stick on is pretty good but I cannot find 1/2 inch with it. I use one of Sorbothane's recommended but expensive glue, Lord 7650 for this and once it cures it is very good. There is a fair bit of experimentation going on with these types of damping material, eg most Sennheiser owners are unaware that the HD 800's use such material in the headband (yes vibrations travel in most phones through the headband) I see the HD 820 mentions " an inner damping element" in the headband. At other times they refer to a space age material or a polymer (sorb is a polymer BTW) .
The usual law of diminishing returns just doesn't apply to these mods. $10 of sorb and tape is going to sound like a couple of thousand dollars have been spent. See this thread for the history of work on this topic.