How good is your hearing ? And how do you know ?

Sometimes I have a big laugh when reading this forum. There are clearly people whose hearing is, shall I say, very special. So why buy good stuff ?
Cdp try using a white noise machine when you sleep, might help worth a shot. I assume you've tried the usual over the counter lipo flavonoid, it helps some people. My MD said taking b12 and reducung salt intake can help a little. 
I have several systems (Revel Salon 2, B&W 801, PSB, JBL M2) and can hear and remember differences in bass quality which is also room dependent, in soundstaging which is also speaker placement dependent, and dynamic range which is also dependent upon source and amp power.  Other than the afore mentioned characteristics, I seem to be unable to hear and REMEMBER  the other characteristics that must differienciat the speakers.  There have to be differences, but I am unable to distinguish them with the passage of time when having to rely upon audio memory.   Were a pair of speakers set in the same space and I was able to switch between them in real time, then I could probably make distinctions.  As it is, all my systems seem to give me equal satisfaction when bass quality, sound staging, and dynamic range are taken out of the equation.   I confess, I feel really inferior when everyone else makes fine distinctions, and I wonder If their skill is a figment of imagination or actual skill, which probably can really be cultivated, but is probably somewhat rare.  


I've also used Musician’s Ear Plugs since the 90's.  (Along with heavier duty earplugs if necessary).  I'll still use them even in a pub/restaurant if it's really loud (and as I'm sort of a "foodie" who loves dining out, it's depressing that restaurants have been ever more deliberately designed to be louder and louder, so they feel like a "happening place.")

As for Tinnitus and sleeping, I decided long ago not to use masking, simply because I didn't like the idea of feeling reliant on some external help.  So I just got used to it and generally don't have an issue sleeping.
(Unless I've had some recent really loud noise exposure which makes the ringing worse for a while).
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>>High end loss of course, almost nothing above 15k.<<

I was tested yesterday.
Current high end test limit is 8000Hz.