Core Power Technologies

Does anyone know, is Core Power Technologies still around? I was considering purchasing (2) Ec1200’s but don’t want to be in a holding pattern for the next year. Are they or (Mark) still in existence? What’s the lowdown or suggestion of comparable item.
It was not luvrockin who made that statement if you check again.

Gcecchetto was the poster
Thank you uberwaltz for saving me the clarification. As you are correct, it was not me

  My 1200 also used to hum off and on then I figured out it seemed to only hum when a curling iron was in use. I discovered that it was indeed the curling iron and now I know it  never hums unless the curling iron is on. Now that I know what it is it is no big deal.  It never seemed to degrade the sound much if any  at all .though. If not a curling iron it could be some other odd thing hooked up in your electrical system somewhere. I hope this may be the case and you can track down the cause.


This is a huge help because I was thinking it has to be a use related issue being the fact it’s so sporadic. I’ll have to pay attention to what is being used next time it happens. Odd though that a dedicated line would still give this type of issue. Maybe this is where the Deep Core would come in to play to filter this type of noise out. Thank you much