In search for speakers of "natural" sound

I am using a pair of Harbeth speakers. However, I am not satisfied with the 'naturalness' of the sound (it could be that I am so demanding). I am looking for a pair of speakers that can produce the more natural and organic sound than Harbeth if there is any.

I know that it depends on the amp, cables, and other variables. However, let's assume that with the appropriate gears, which speakers do you think can produce the "most natural sound"? By "natural", I mean the sound that we hear directly from musical instruments, from the singer without going through any amplification.

There is a user mentioning that speakers from the past used that 'natural sound' as a reference when designed speakers. In contrast, the sound today (even the hi-end one) is to "hi-fi". He guessed it could be less people have chance to listen to live / acoustic music than before.  

Is it right?

Thank you for your experience and recommendation!

P.S: I know that my questions are silly and dumb, please bear with me.

Ag insider logo xs@2xquanghuy147
About the only speaker I ever heard more “natural” than Harbeth would be Quad ESL 57.  Mine put the group or vocalist right in your room.
Any of the Quad ESL's will "do it"! True long-time references for "natural" sound!
There’s nothing quite like the natural sound-suffocating rattling of the heavy metal Quad grills to excite the senses of older audiophiles.
The old joke was that burglars would think the 57's were space heaters - and ignore them!
How about the venerable LS3/5A's for natural sound? Can't shake the floor or rattle the windows! But the "magic" is there in spades!