I’d appreciate your honest recommend on exact models
skyscraper, I could not presume. I know next to nothing about your environment, level you listen, range of programme
AND your particular peccadillos.For example, minimum phase error from sub 30Hz up is ne plus ultra for yhs. Accurate sound staging, rock solid focus that does not wander, accurate hall delineation, merciless exposure of recording engineer gimcrackery, proper vertical height and location. See
http://www.ieLogical.com/Audio and read the Audio pages under PASSIONS menu.
Many models recommended here fail miserably in that regard. Multiple woofer/mid drivers and mid & tweeters on a flat baffle
fail impossibly on that metric. Ported systems have
horrible low end phase coherence.
Since retiring, I’ve made several road trips having avoided HiFi Dens for 15 years. I have a friend with an amazing B&W 803 D3 system north of $250k. No dealer had a pair setup that came anywhere near exhibiting their potential.
One loudspeaker mentioned has a "perforated phase-aligning lens" over mid and tweet. The $12.5k model failed miserably on phase coherence, sound stage and imaging.
Another $8k 2-way had the kick image smeared along a front to back slope. The point was in front of the speakers and the heft behind
and out of phase! Vocal was an indistinct cloud. I recorded and mixed ref #2 above and have listened to it for 35 years.
Many here will poo-poo my modest system. It fails not on my parameters
because has been assembled with specific goals.My recommendation would be to have the ’squids rebuilt, get some great electronics that mate them well and match your bias. Decent cables would be nice. So would a pair of good subs - NOT PORTED!!! See
http://www.ielogical.com/Audio/SubTerrBlues.php for trials and tribulations of sub integration.
Bonne chance!