Qobuz Coming to America Soon!

Looks like the French streaming service Qobuz will be coming to the U.S. soon:

I don’t, though by acclamation, the world does.

Ironically, perhaps, your comment demonstrates the proposition. 

One thing that differentiates Qobuz from current audiophile-fave service Tidal is that it doesn’t rely on the controversial MQA codec for high-res streaming (according to Mackta, Qobuz is currently “MQA-agnostic”).
I'm definitely subscribing.  Thanks for posting.
Thanks. I am anxiously looking forward for Qobuz to be released in the USA but have no info when.  Qobuz will be shown at the RMAF but its USA release date has not been announced.  Their 24 bit album option looks interesting priced at $249 per year, about $21 per month.

Does anyone have info when Qobuz will be available in the USA?  
Why the Tidal bashing?  It plays well with Roon, as I hope Qobuz will eventually.
"...when Qobuz will be available in the USA?"
hgeifman: read upwards in this thread (Qobuz customer service said they're hoping for end of this year).