Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
I would love to hear that OHM Walsh based surround sound system!

I am not a surround sound fan in general and do not do that currently, but I suspect I could live with that one!
Mapman, Finsup:

I got the Ohms because of their reputation for vocals (you see a lot of people over at AVS complaining about dialogue intelligibility in movies) and music (I'm a big fan of Bollywood). And they deliver the goods there!

Given what's on a modern soundtrack and the well-known room-mode issue, HT pretty much requires subwoofers. I prefer a sealed design. The Empires are great for music and integrate well with the Ohms. But the Empires leave a little to be desired below 20Hz.

The Ohms have one slight drawback for HT. They are not what HT people would call high sensitivity, and hence they can't be easily played at reference level.

When properly set up, a surround system playing a well-engineered 5.1/7.1 soundtrack creates a bubble of sound around you. The effect is quite dramatic.

I know Mapman has some great amps driving his; I am thinking your comments don't refer to your set-up, just generally speaking? Or are you saying the Emotiva and Outlaw combo still has a difficult time with the Ohms?

The spec sheet that came with my Ohms says the sensitivity is 88 dB/W/m with a recommended peak amplification of 200 Watts. This means that, absent room/placement effects, I can get 102 dB's/speaker at 9 feet. Reference level requires 105dB's/speaker, which would mean 400 watts, and most people would recommend having another 3dB's of head room, which would mean 800 watts!


In any case, the Emotiva is 200 watts into 8 ohms and the Outlaw is 125 watts into 8 ohms.

Many people in HT are moving to speakers with higher sensitivities. For example a sensitivity of 94 means you can divide the wattages above by 4!