Streaming Quality Test - Lumin U1 vs. PS Audio Direcstream DAC vs Bridge II

I recently acquired a Lumin U1 Network Player (no internal DAC) and have it connected to a Directstream DAC via USB. I have A/B tested the U1 and the Direcstream DAC w/Bridge II by simultaneously streaming the same DSD file on the U1 and the Bridge II and used the Direcstream remote to switch inputs between the USB and Bridge II connections. Bottom line, my initial reaction is I don’t here a perceivable difference in sound.

Anybody else compare these two devices or are surprised by this initial test?

I really like the U1, but it doesn’t make financial sense to have it in my system I’m not getting a substantial increase in the quality of the sound.
DACs don’t sound alike level matched or not.  Well designed units won’t measure the same either.  Ever read a DAC review by John Atkinson?  

I have owned at least seven different DACS and they definitely didn’t sound alike.  However, I appreciate bold statements spoken from ignorance by people seeking attention.

It turns out that Ethernet as well as USB must be optimized for SQ.

For USB, this means:

1) Quality USB cable

2) the right playback software - I like Amarra memory playback

3) an optimum computer - I like Mac Mini

4) optimized power supply for the computer

5) minimized background tasks

I don’t know if the Lumin player does all of these well or not.

for Ethernet, this means:

1) quality Ethernet cables - I like WW platinum

2) Ethernet isolator - I like EMO EN-70e 0.5m cable from switch to isolator and 2m cable from isolator to the BridgeII.

3) optimized switch or router - I recommend the AQVOX switch

4) optimized playback software - I like DLNA playback using Linn Kinsky, Minimserver and BubbleUPnP. (all freeware)

What you should do is try playback with the BridgeII using a computer and this software with the AQVOX switch, good Ethernet cables and the isolator. This will make a HUGE difference.

Generally, it is easier to get really good SQ from Ethernet than USB. This of course depends on the designs of each interface.  It might be that the Lumin is making both sound identical, even though one of the interfaces is superior.

Here is a comparison of my own USB and Ethernet interfaces jitter measurements and SQ differences:

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

DACs don’t sound alike level matched or not.  Well designed units won’t measure the same either.  Ever read a DAC review by John Atkinson?  

I have owned at least seven different DACS and they definitely didn’t sound alike.  However, I appreciate bold statements spoken from ignorance by people seeking attention.
JA? Really? The guy who believes in just about every snake oil type product under the sun. Placebo is a powerful phenomenon. Enjoy being a sucker. 
@danimaz - Lumin doesn’t make DACs, but they do sell streamers and some of them have DACs while others are just transports.  The PS Audio Direcstream DAC can act as a streamer if you get one with the Bridge 2 Card.  

The important question is what is your budget?  Knowing your budget will get you more help with your question.  By the way, I don’t argue with trolls, just point out when they are misguided in their opinions.