What improvements did you hear in going from entry level to high end Audio?

I heard more detail. Better transparency and detail 
More coherence, more tuneful and detailed bass and more natural vocals. And also very important...wider dynamic range!
I have a hard time articulating the difference that I hear. "Richer" and "rounder" are words that seem to apply but I don't really know.

The one thing I can clearly pinpoint in the type of music I listen to most is clear differentiation between instruments on the low end. In other words, notes from the bass guitar are clear and distinct and they are also clear and distinct from the kick drum and toms even when played at the same time. Of course the recording is important here. Some recordings are muddy even if the system isn't.
You are right.  What I find out is that you must have good to great recordings and when you do in a higher end system it’s a real treat. I also hear better instrument seperation, instrument placement and layering when I went to a higher end system. 
Listening tonight and enjoying my system. It’s worth every dime. Music makes me happy! MA recordings great high fidelity high quality music!
My system wasn't exactly entry level.  I had an Adcom pre, an Aragon 4004 amp and a Best Buy CD player with Polk SDA-1 speakers.    Then I added a Krell KRC-3 preamp and that made all the difference.  Crosby Stills and Nash, the first album had a song called Gwenivere on it.  Crosby and Nash sing a duet.  At one point they stop singing and I could hear them patting their feet on the floor.  I had never heard that before.  So much more detail.  It was like I was hearing the songs for the first time!  If I'm testing out a new component (among other things) if I can't hear the feet it's a no go.  Hope that helps.