Room Correction, Acoustic Treatment, Positioning, etc. What are my options

Hi all,
Finally got around to running REW in my newly setup dedicated 2 channel room. The room itself is 14x17 with vaulted ceilings, but opens into a 10x10 room, so it feels closer to a 24x17 room with high ceilings. I've got the following setup:
MBP > [wireless] > Mytek Manhattan II (via AQ ethernet) > [AQ Water XL] > McIntosh C47 > [AQ Water] > McIntosh MC452 > [AQ Oak] > B&W 802 D3. All connected to an AQ Niagara 1000 with AQ Thunder PCs.

My issue is mainly lack of bass, and it getting a little boomy at times. I've had to turn the EQ on the C47 for bass up +4dB to even be close to ok. Here is my REW:

I already contacted GIK, but I don't want to go overboard on acoustic treatments. Should I be considering something like the McIntosh MEN220 or some other room correction or EQ? Are any of them out there good enough to not degrade the overall sound quality of the system? Thanks!
Ag insider logo xs@2xmayoradamwest
So glad you took my advice. 
I hate seeing someone waste their time trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Got the MEN220 setup. I think I still need to tweak it a bit, but I’m amazed at the improvement in sound stage. It’s rare you just have a bypass button that lets you hear what sound stage is. It also improved the bass but it’s still going to need at least a little dampening. 
Pretty much none of the tools work with vaulted ceilings. Also, not all rooms are a simple box. My room has a 10’ wide opening to another 10’x10’x9’ room. 
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