Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
Frazeur - I haven't had the time or the inclination to search through the Logitech forums to get the story. Unfortunately, making a great sounding music player for very little money doesn't mean much outside our very rarified world. Since you can't walk down the street with it, or import 32kbps audio files from some cloud somewhere, or make phone calls on it, or surf the net while you listen, the SBT had limited appeal to the current generation of attention span-challenged 20-somethings. A real shame if they don't replace it or license it to someone. The SBT happens to be a match for the Vortexbox appliance made in heaven. Maybe the Vortexbox folks will buy the rights to the SBT technology? Who knows. Yes, there are many ways to skin the music server cat, but the SBT was one of the easiest, most cost effective, and high performance ways ever. If you need any info on the Vortexbox from a happy user, just let me know.
You could be right Bond, there sure are a lot of them out there though. Thanks for the offer on the vortex box. One of my friends just built one himself and loves it. I haven't been over to check it out yet, but something I have given some thought too. In the meantime, the Naim and its abilities are doing what I need at the moment!

How have your 2000's been doing? Hope all is well with you! This little part of the forum has been a bit quiet of late, always enjoyed a good Ohm read. Been wondering if anyone was able to take advantage of Johns Black Friday sale at Ohm? Tim
Frazeur - My 2000s are singing wonderfully. A recent power cord change to my amp is over-emphasizing some HF transients, especially on certain female voices, but the cord is still running in, and upgrading the plugs should fix it completely. I just need money! It's amazing how revealing the Ohms are of changes upstream. I've been listening more often and for as long as I can lately.
Bond-great on the 2000's, and boy, I do not envy you with cord/cable changes, those are the kind of "upgrades" that typically would drive me mad! But yes, the Ohm's are very revealing of anything in the stream, but the good thing is, I also find them very easy, no matter what is there for the most part.

I am sadly missing my Ohm's very much. Health and financial issues have forced my hand and my entire system was sold over the last few months. At some point though down the road, I would like to be able to get another pair. I guess I have just gone through a major purging/simplification at this point. But I will be back. Tim