Going to Rocky Mountain Audio Fest - any advice

So I’ve always wanted to try an event like this. The only other person I know who’s into audio like I am is my best friend from high school back in 1989. In fact I got him into audio, and it just so happens he’s looking for a new pair of speakers in the $10k range. 

Like most of us we are limited by the brick and motar stores that are near us. In my case that’s amounts to zero stores near me.  So I suggested we go to the RMAF and we agreed and so we are off in a few weeks!

Not sure what to expect, but I’m hoping to hear systems I’ve only read about for years and it will be interesting to see how my mail order system will stack up. 

Any my suggestions from festival old hats?  Did I pick a good one to go to?
Very disappointed that Magnepan are not attending, unless i've missed them on the xcel spreadsheet. No SOtM either showing off the new sMS-200 NEO. Still lots of good things to hear. Hopefully. Last year went into the Avantgarde room and the head honcho was chatting continually to a fellow audiophile (debatable) about her holidays,Germany blah blah blah. Felt like asking her to turn the music off and we can all join in to her natter.  Jeez.
If for once they actually played REAL music at these shows I would consider going again, but typically, as J. Gordon Holt said years ago, there is an inverse relationship between the best sounding music and the most popular music, or something like that.

Why is it I typically hear some sort of solo cello or some minimalist jazz or something very few people even care about listening too? The best systems and reps should not be afraid to play the most popular or familiar music to show attendees. The question keeps coming up as to why people are turning away from the "high end" and IMO THAT is exactly the reason. It’s been like this for YEARS. No wonder it’s such a turn off. I mean even if they at least played, for example, some Dead Can Dance, Pat Metheny or Steely Dan once in awhile, well, hooray.

after attending RMAF, post a few impressions and thoughts on the gear auditioned.  Enjoy the Show!