(((can you crank it without fear of a damaging jolt from a bad tube?)))
Relax chances are you will be amazed with the performance so much it wont matter.
That power supply has big balls
If you need a tube just unplug the unit read off the existing numbers on side of tube call ARC and they will get you another tube and 100K and 1 Ohm resistors its pretty easy to measure if the resistors are good and if not solder in new ones, if you can solder or, grow a set and learn to, or have a friend or tech that can.
Cheers JohnnyR
Relax chances are you will be amazed with the performance so much it wont matter.
That power supply has big balls
If you need a tube just unplug the unit read off the existing numbers on side of tube call ARC and they will get you another tube and 100K and 1 Ohm resistors its pretty easy to measure if the resistors are good and if not solder in new ones, if you can solder or, grow a set and learn to, or have a friend or tech that can.
Cheers JohnnyR