ARC Ref 75se owners

I’m soon to take delivery of a one year old unit and would like to know the experiences of other owners with respect to reliability and tube life.
Simply put can you crank it without fear of a damaging jolt from a bad tube? How common has it been for these units to be sent back to ARC for some kind of repair? Please advise.
Answers will be greatly appreciated .

I've had no problems over 4 years, I think it is. A wonderful amp that is not going to be changed. I can't afford to anyway, now I'm retired. I have to say I don't crank up the volume, I have neighbours. As JohnnyR implies, the tubes have the reputation of taking resistors with them, when they blow. Not happened to me yet.

I can not imagine that you won't be thrilled with your purchase.

i had one on loan while my SS amp was being updated, as Mr Rutan says BALLS !
and perhaps the best midrange ever ..sweet
IF you do learn to solder buy a good iron
how often are you guys having to solder in a resistor? ever blown a driver w this amp?