Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
 Hey lak, 
Please call Timmy.
Your questions will be addressed directly. <3
603-203-4486 <3 Krissy

tommy, my last post was deleted by whoever. But it was echoing your post that it can’t matter if the gear is on or off, or the four week charging time would start over every day for any gear not left on indefinitely. But before seeing this written, I had assumed it was charging from something being emitted from the gear or at least some electrical force if attached to a fuse box.

You know I am skeptical, but in a really nonchalant manner, but now I am wondering that if it isn’t charging from the gear, when you say "waiting for the mats to charge up can be frustrating", I honestly wonder what the heck is charging the mat, perhaps the sun’s energy bouncing off the atmosphere or the gravitational pull emanating from the center of the earth, bombardments from gamma rays (really)? I don’t have a huge sense of curiosity, but just honestly wondering about this stuff out loud.


Tim probably has  more insight into what is happening, but I honestly don’t have any idea what is going on. “Charging up” is just a phrase used to refer to the time period the mat has to stay in place before it reaches its full potential for sonic improvement in one's system.
^^^ I have my own theory.

I don’t believe the mats have to "charge up." I think the energy emanating from the mats takes time to completely saturate the equipment they are placed under. This includes the chassis, the circuit board, the connecting wires, the caps, resistors, tube sockets, the tubes and all of the dials and controls. As more of the area is saturated, or conversely, the more mats used, the better the sound will be.

Initially, the mats did improve the sound over using no mats at all. As I increased the number of mats used past a certain point, usually the sound degraded for a short period of time ... maybe at most about a half day.

I’ve already reported on placing the two mats under the "Sound Application" power conditioner. The first one was an overall improvement. With the second one installed about a week later, the upper mid-range was improved, but the bass was degraded. After four weeks using the two mats under the power conditioner, everything came back into focus, and from top to bottom was much improved. Its totally seamless now with the deepest, most defined bass I’ve ever had from this system.

To answer Lak’s question ... If I only had one mat, I would put it inside of the circuit breaker box door, close the door, and enjoy not only the initial improvement in the audio system, but the TV system as well. Then, I would leave it alone and enjoy the further improvements that will follow over the next four weeks .... and longer.

By the way, if you are using those magnetic plug-in thingies (can't think of their name right now) ... take them all out of your system before installing the Omega E Mats, and leave them out. According to several comments, I'm beginning to believe they are counter productive to what the Omega E Mats do.
