Switched from RCA to XLR Interconnects - WOW

I just received a set of Pangea True Balanced Premier SE XLR interconnects from Audio Advisor and connected them between my phono preamp to my amp.
I really didn't expect to hear any major difference, but man was I wrong.  The sound quality is night and day improved over my previous cables (Clear Day Cables RCA cables).  The improvement in bass response is amazing, and the soundstage got about 2 feet wider and deeper.  Mids and highs are also more clearly defined, and the backgrounds are about as black as I have ever heard.   What also surprised me is how much hotter the signal is into the amp.  I had to turn the volume down quite a bit to equal levels I usually listed to with the previous cables.
FYI, the preamp is a Parasound JC3+ and the amp is a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400.  
I'm really impressed.  I had always wanted to try using balanced cables but this is the first amp I have owned that had balanced inputs.  
I also know that albertporter, a member who's got very high end set-up used to have 6 Meters long Purist Audio Dominus RCAs, don't remember from phono to preamp or from preamp to amp, and reported no noise at all, not to mention great sound and apparently no audible signal loss.
Let's just be more serious and unbiased.
Switching from RCA to XLR  is only worththe extra time and money  is if, you have a True differential balanced from input to output for each channel . Which is easy to tell ,you will see 4 transformers . If not then a waste of time ,for 1 you will loose better then 50% on your rca interconnects  ,and still have to purchase XLR as good or better then the RCA  interconnects.
so make sure you have A True Balanced circuit ,Input to Output .
many companies put  xlr wired the same as the RCA just to have both for the buyer. I sold Audio for a number of years. 
True balanced 2 transformers per channel .remove the top and check,if not ,itis Not True balanced !!

One more thing I forgot to mention ,potentially XLR is slghlylower in noise
for the balanced signal lowers noise tothe 3rd wire groundhog = noise, and if it is True balanced with a transformer for input to output each channel the transformers will allow you to run longer runs. Again your preamp is potentially only slightly better with true balanced .which most preamp are Not. 
Therefore 80% of xlr connected  preamps are not true balanced and not any better then a good  RCA connection.