Upgrading my Redbook after 18 years

My vinyl system is my primary source but have ventured into headphones as a second system with Redbook being the only source I use. Headphone listening is provided by a newly broken in Schitt Gumby thru a Cambridge CDX transport and I have started using the system more and more, am really impressed with the Gumby but would like to upgrade the transport and the Bell Canto CD3T has come to my attention with the bnc connection which as I understand would behoove the Gumby. I will also like to upgrade my 18 year old Wadia 8 transport and my Jadis D2 dac in my main system and was thinking maybe a single piece CD player in the range of $2,500.00 slightly used or demo. On my main system I like what I have better than the Oppo players so other suggestions will be considered. Please note SACD isn't needed and have no plans to download, stream of other sources just Redbook on both systems.
Schiit and Mytek make tremendous DACs for Redbook playback.

I think you'll be really surprised though. In general, the current crop of DACs perform so much better with Redbook than they did 15 years ago. 

Be prepared for most people to urge you not to go the single unit route, and to get separates.

However, if you like the idea of eliminating a connection, and getting a dedicated Red Book player, the models near your price point are Bryston BCD-3, Hegel Mohican, and Primare CD35.  There's plenty of discussion of the first and second here and elsewhere, and very little to my knowledge of the relatively new Primare.  Some less-than-confidence-inspiring details emerged along the way concerning the Mohican; I just got my new BCD-3.

Spending $2500 on a new transport is a waste of money.  Just add a reclocker like the Synchro-Mesh and this should be a significant upgrade.  It will perform like a $10K or more transport.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio