I recently saw the Rock Hill Symphony Orchestra play at the Rawlinson Road Middle School Auditorium.
As pedestrian as that sounds it was remarkable in a number of ways:
1) It was the inaugural concert of our new local symphony which was created when many smaller orchestras are going under. And this in a small but rapidly growing, former mill city in South Carolina. It was sold out as is the rest of the 3 concert season. Expenses have been met by ticket sales and local benefactors.
2) The newly built Rawlinson Road Middle School auditorium has amazing acoustics!
3) The performance was really quite good. Which is not surprising since regional musicians are looking for work. We drew from the Charlotte and Atlanta region. There were no try-outs. The conductor (from New York) was able to hand pick.
4) My sister-in-law is on the board and my wife is on the advisory committee. This was truly a grass roots effort.
5) It now has the mayor and other large benefactors realizing that their tenuous plans to build a performing arts center is now not only do-able, but critical.
Anyway, live, high quality classical performances by excellent musician in Rock Hill, SC. Who would have ever believed it?
As pedestrian as that sounds it was remarkable in a number of ways:
1) It was the inaugural concert of our new local symphony which was created when many smaller orchestras are going under. And this in a small but rapidly growing, former mill city in South Carolina. It was sold out as is the rest of the 3 concert season. Expenses have been met by ticket sales and local benefactors.
2) The newly built Rawlinson Road Middle School auditorium has amazing acoustics!
3) The performance was really quite good. Which is not surprising since regional musicians are looking for work. We drew from the Charlotte and Atlanta region. There were no try-outs. The conductor (from New York) was able to hand pick.
4) My sister-in-law is on the board and my wife is on the advisory committee. This was truly a grass roots effort.
5) It now has the mayor and other large benefactors realizing that their tenuous plans to build a performing arts center is now not only do-able, but critical.
Anyway, live, high quality classical performances by excellent musician in Rock Hill, SC. Who would have ever believed it?