DTS HD Master & Dolby True HD set up

Hi everybody.
I have denon 2500btci blu-ray support DTS HD Master & Dolby true HD and use denon avr4306 for pre/pro.
If I want to enjoy this new HD format which should I choose.
setup blu-ray has
*Mix Audio Output-Output the secondary and interactive audio with primary audio if it is available(audio will be output in a multi LPCM format.)
*HD Audio Output-Output only the primary audio(audio will be output in bitstream.)
Which one should I choose.
2nd question is
*HDMI Multi(normal)-The multi-channel audio signals are output from the HDMI OUT with bitstream or LPCM
*HDMI Multi(LPCM)-The multi-channel audio signals are
output from the HDMI OUT with a LPCM.
which one should I choose for ..new HD format.
Need your help....Thanks
I am afraid that I am the bearer of bad news. You have chosen poorly. The 2500 is a transport and will not decode DTS HD Master or Dolby true HD. In addition, your AVR4306 lacks these codecs as well. Thus, no matter what combination of settings you pick, you cannot get what you are asking for. If either of these devices is new (probably the BluRay player because the AVR is an older model), consider returning it immediately and getting a compatible device.


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Actually the Denon 4306 has HDMI v1.1 and does accept multichannel audio inputs in LPCM.

The Denon 2500 does output all the new codecs in either bitstream or LPCM, and will even automatically select which one your receiver/prepro takes, so as long as it's outputting LPCM you can use all the new codecs.